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The CHAMPION Candidate of breed
In September, 6th, 2010 in our house appeared new star
- beauty Dominika. This kitten has very unique colour: seal-torti-point. It
came from a family tree of Moscow
club "Korgorushi". Dominika was born in March, 26th, 2010.
In a family tree of Dominika World champions, the Big European Champion, the Big International Champions, the International Champions and Champions of breed. We can be proud of such relatives and we will try to make good exhibition career! |
The well-known relatives of Dominika (to great-grandfathers)
Diary of Dominika
Exhibition date. Class. Experts. Results.
06-07 марта 2011 года, г.
Мурманск. Международная выставка "Кошки Заполярья". МКЛК
"Пуси-Муси". Класс "САС". Комарова Т. - оценка
"ЕХ-1" Титул "CAC". Гордеева Л. - оценка "ЕХ-1"
Титул "CAC". WCF RING ADULTS - 4 место
ВЫСТАВКА: 16-17 апреля 2011 года, г. Мурманск. Международная выставка МОПФЦ
"Любимец". Класс "САС", Класс "CACIB". Эксперты:
Авсарагова В.В. (Уфа), Беляева О.А. (Москва), Гулянская Т.В. (Москва)
| The cattery owner:
Kozyuberda Julia Viktorovna
e-mail: juliana_999@mail.ru
Felinology system: WCF CFC "Pusi-Musi" President: Elena Ignatevskaya